Overseas training

Leaving Japan and visiting the world animal industry!

In Australia, Singapore or the United Kingdom, students will broaden their horizons and envision their future by learning about the animal situation in advanced animal countries abroad.
Through this overseas training, we want to develop human resources who can feel the difference between the world and the Japanese animal industry and can improve the field of the Japanese animal industry where the values ​​of human life and animal life are not the same.











(2018 UK training)







(2019 UK training)










Training content

In fiscal 2015 and 2016, we conducted an eight-day overseas training in London, England. It was a meaningful training to get in touch with foreign cultures and broaden your horizons by conducting training and trial lessons at the zoo, visiting a veterinary hospital, training at the Royal Animal Cruelty Prevention Association, and sightseeing in the city of London.

In fiscal 2017, we carefully visited four related facilities centered on the Singapore Zoo, which is called the King of Zoo, and learned about the future of the zoo, how to show the zoo, and how to operate it.

In 2018, we also conducted an eight-day overseas training in the Cotswolds region of London, England. Visit to RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Animal Abuse), the oldest animal welfare and protection organization in the world. An exchange meeting with a British vocational school that trains animal nurses. Visit to London Zoo. By observing the current situation of advanced animal countries, it was a good opportunity to think carefully about the future of the Japanese animal industry.

In 2019, we also conducted an eight-day overseas training in the Cotswolds region of London, England. The program took a long farm stay and deepened contact with the locals. There was a happening that the plane was canceled due to the approaching typhoon in Shanghai on the final day, and it was practically a 9-day overseas training that was one day longer.

Overseas training in 2020 was canceled due to the new coronavirus. Overseas training is one of the important educational programs of Kyudo. It was a tough decision for President Tokuda.


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